Cooling Down After Exercise


Cooling down after physical exercise allows the body to smoothly return to a steady resting state.

Gentle Exercise Cool Down

The primary reason for doing a cool-down is to reduce heart and breathing rates, gradually cool body temperature, allow muscles to return to optimal length-tension, prevent venous pooling of blood in the lower extremities, which may cause dizziness or possible fainting, and bring physiological systems back to baseline.

Benefits of a Cooling Down

  • Bring the heart and breathing rates back to normal
  • Cool body temperature
  • Allow muscles to return to optimal length-tension 
  • Prevent venous pooling of blood in the lower extremities 
  • Restore physiological systems back to baseline           

Keeping Muscles Strong and Flexible

Warm Down / Recovery – Performance Enhancement

Performing a cool down after your workout can help the elimination of waste products from your muscles, such as lactic acid, which can build up during vigorous activity. The most effective way to remove lactic acid accumulated in the muscles is by doing gentle exercise for 10-15 minutes. This also helps to prepare your muscles for your next session. 


Stretching For Recovery

Static stretching for 10 – 15 minutes targeting particularly tight muscle areas or areas in your body where you have experienced a past injury can improve flexibility and prevent injuries from occurring. (Research indicates that stretches are most effective if performed for 3 sets and held for at least 30 seconds in duration). 


Cooling down should be considered an integral part of your exercise routine and part of what is considered your Pre-habilitation program to enhance the recover of your body in any exercise program. As a result, you will be also be more in tune with your body and connect with how you really want to move again!

INSYNC PHYSIOTHERAPY provides services in Sports Injuries, Physiotherapy, Exercise Rehabilitation, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture & IMS. We also accept WorkSafe BC & ICBC claims. We are excited to be providing integrated patient–centred health care services to help you get back “InSync” with your optimal health & maximum potential for sport, work or play. We are committed to give you the highest level of professional care & service (one-on-one 30-60 minute dedicated appointments) while utilizing latest advances in physiotherapy & health care to treat the underlying cause(s) of your problem. 

Contact Us:

Unit #102 – 4088 Cambie Street            
Vancouver, BC, Canada V5Z 2X8

Telephone:+1 604 566 9716
E-mail: Send Email 

InSync Physiotherapy is a multi-award winning health clinic helping you in Sports Injuries, Physiotherapy, Exercise Rehabilitation, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture & IMS.

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