
Ankle Sprains – 4 Point Star Balance

This exercise retrains your balance, strength and proprioception and will help you regain functional mobility faster after an ankle sprain. Start by putting your weight on the side of the affected ankle and hike the opposite foot up off of the ground. Remember to keep your inner core tight below the belly button. Then with the foot that’s off of the ground touch the first point in front of the ground, then to the side and then behind you, and then cross over to the other side of the body. Repeat the 4 points of contact (front, left side, back and right side) for 30 seconds 4 sets 4 times per day. As you get stronger increase it to 60 seconds 4 sets 4 times per day. If you have a fracture as a result of your injury or you are unsure if this is the right exercise for you to do, consult your physiotherapist before starting this exercise.

Vancouver Clinic

Burnaby Clinic

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For the next article in the series: click here >>Ankle Injuries & Ankle Sprains: 1 Legged Squat

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