Full Body TRX Work Out
The TRX System relies on suspension training equipment that allows individuals of varying fitness levels and abilities to perform a wide range of exercises. Body weight exercises, also known as total resistance exercises, on the TRX can help strengthen different muscle groups in many planes of motion in a safe and effective way. Try the following exercises below for a full body workout!
1) TRX Inverted Row:
Face toward the anchor of the TRX and grasp the handles with palms facing each other and arms fully extended. Position your feet slightly apart and in front of your body to begin in a leaned position. Ensure your body forms a straight line from head to toe, engage the core muscles, and pull your body towards the handles by keeping the elbows close to the torso. Then, slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. Repeat for 3-4 sets of 10. Lower the handles or position your feet further in front for more lean to increase the difficulty.
Face away from the anchor of the TRX and grasp the handles with an overhand grip and full extend both arms. Position the feet slightly apart behind your body and lean forward so the body is at a slight diagonal. Lower your body towards the handles by bending the elbows. Then, push yourself up by contracting your chest and tricep muscles to the starting position. Repeat for 3-4 sets of 10.
Face away from the anchor of the TRX, place the top of your foot onto both TRX handles to form a 90 degree bend in the knee and stand tall on the other leg. Bring your body straight down to the ground to perform a lunge. Do not let the knee of the standing leg go past your foot when performing the lunge. Make sure the knee is in line with the foot at all times. Repeat for 3-4 sets of 10.
Face away from the anchor of the TRX, place the top of your foot onto both TRX handles to form a 90 degree bend in the knee and stand tall on the other leg. Bring your body straight down to the ground to perform a lunge. Do not let the knee of the standing leg go past your foot when performing the lunge. Make sure the knee is in line with the foot at all times. Repeat for 3-4 sets of 10.
Begin with your back flat on the ground and both heels on the TRX handles with your hands on either side of your body. Engage the core and lift your hips upward by activating your glute muscles. Ensure your ribs are not flaring by pulling them downward toward your belly button. Then, slowly lower yourself down to the starting position. Repeat for 3-4 sets for 10 reps.