INSYNC PHYSIO in Matasanos, Honduras

Caitlyn Dunphy, Physiotherapist at InSync Physiotherapy Burnaby Clinic on her trip to Honduras,

“I recently returned from volunteering with Global Brigades in Matasanos, Honduras. They are an amazing organization that creates sustainable change in communities by training local health staff, creating health systems, community owned banks, clean water systems, sanitation infrastructure and business development. I was on the medical/dental Brigade doing Physiotherapy work.

The first day we visited a local school and the kids did a dance performance for us and pulled us up on stage to learn the dance. After, we shadowed some of the local Community Health Workers (local volunteers trained by by Global Brigades to help provide care to their community). Then we did sanitation surveys of the local homes. The people were so kind and happily welcomed us into their homes.

The following 3 days were clinic days. The local school shut down and the classrooms were used as clinic rooms. Community members lined up, sometimes the entire day in 35 degree heat, to see the medical/dental team. When they entered the clinic they would get triaged, go to the doctor consultation station and/or the dental station, and get prescriptions filled. Women would also see the gynecologist and children would go to the children education station to learn about proper tooth health and receive fluoride treatments. If a patient had a musculoskeletal problem then the doctor would refer them to the Physiotherapy station.

All of the doctors, dentists (except for one Canadian) and the pharmacist were Honduran health care professionals from the city,

volunteering their time to help this rural community. It was extremely inspiring to see how hard they worked and the amount of time they put into helping the community.

On the last day we went into 3 homes and built eco-stoves. Asthma rates are prevalent due to a lack of proper ventilation in traditional stoves, as well as burning garbage. Diabetes and high blood pressure rates are also high due to poor diet/lack of exercise.

One of the quotes we discussed at a team meeting was “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are” which is an extremely relevant quote currently. This trip was an amazing experiences and one that I will definitely never forget.”

InSync Physiotherapy is a multi-award winning health clinic helping you in Sports Injuries, Physiotherapy, Exercise Rehabilitation, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture & IMS.

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