Getting at the root cause of your Sport Injuries / Spinal injuries
Need help with an injury?
Want to get back playing your sports (Recreationally, competitively or professionally)?
Need help with your neck Whiplash / car accident injuries?
Do you have nerve pain or headaches?
Do you have chronic pain or chronic tightness issues?
Does your back or hips limit your mobility or decrease your confidence in doing physical activities / sports?
Did you have knee, shoulder, ankle, wrist, elbow, hip or back surgery?
Do want to run your first 10 km or half marathon injury free?
Were you a previously an elite athlete and now just starting up a training program and unsure of how past injuries will affect you?
Want to run faster?
Want to player stronger?
Want to feel better?
Want to recover faster?
At INSYNC PHYSIOTHERAPY, we connect you with how you can really move again!!!