Diet Trends Decoded

Today I’m wanting to talk diet trends. There are so many different kinds out there right now, I wanted to break it all down for you. 1. Paleo DietPaleo has grown in popularity by leaps and bounds. Supposedly it is based on hunting and gathering like in the good old days. So, anything you could…


Concussions are the most common type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). They can occur as a result of a motor vehicle accident as well as various sports. Symptoms can vary greatly from person to person and not everyone may be aware that they have experienced a concussion when in fact they have. CausesAs mentioned above,…

Yoga for Better Sleep

If you’re anything like what seems like most of the North American population these days, chances are you have trouble falling asleep. We are very busy beings and sometimes when it’s time to end the day and crawl into bed to rest, our brains turn up the hyperdrive and do everything except relax. If this…

What is whiplash?

Whiplash of the cervical spine or neck is common among patients who have been involved in rear-end motor vehicle collisions, and also can also affect those who participate in contact sports such as rugby and football, or those who have experienced other physical trauma affecting the neck. BiomechanicsThe most common cause of whiplash injury happens…

How to Strengthen the Ankle to Improve Performance

Building on what we discussed last week, today we will be looking at how to strengthen the ankle joint to help prevent painful sprains from happening. Strengthening the muscles surrounding the ankle joint can also help to improve performance in a variety of activities because many land-based activities will require that you are upright, on…

No pain, no gain?

No pain, no gain at the gym, right? Right? Absolutely not!  These days there seems to be an increase in the amount of fitness memes and “motivational” quotes that claim working through pain is something to be celebrated, something to strive for. Unfortunately, this is really not the case. If you are in pain during…