5 Ways to Stretch Your Calves (a Must For Runners and Heel-Wearers!)

The calves are one of the most overused and overlooked muscles in the body, and if you wear heels, run regularly, or both, stretching your calves is a must, since tight, shortened calves can lead to injury. These five calf stretches can be done almost anywhere, so click through to learn how to do them…

5 Really Great Reasons Why Good Posture Is Super Important

So it turns out, your mother was right after all: Good posture really matters ― even in your older years. Here are five reasons why good posture matters. 1. Bad posture can adversely impact your sex life. Research shows that slouching ― the opposite of “power posing,” meaning standing up tall and straight ― results in…

This One Simple Exercise Will Help Tighten Your Core and Lower Body

One of the first places you gain weight is typically around your belly. It’s also one of the hardest places to lose fat. As you’ve probably heard, doing planks is a great way to keep your abdomen, back, and glutes tight and strong. But there are variations of this exercise that you should also incorporate…

Thumb Spica Taping

This taping technique will limit movement in the joint between the thumb and the hand to help the soft tissues heal after a thumb sprain. You use loops of tape around the thumb that attach to the wrist and ‘rein in’ the thumb to prevent it from moving. Equipment Required 2.5cm Zinc Oxide Tape Scissors…

5 Surprising Benefits of Training Your Glutes

Booty, butt, derriere, backside, rump, fanny, keister, caboose, tush. So many different names for the one body part everyone wants to build, tighten and tone. By far the largest and strongest group of muscles in your body, the gluteals (gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus) and the hamstrings (biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus) work…