How to Prevent Elbow Injuries in Young Throwers

Recent research has shown that nearly 40% of 7 to 18 year old baseball players endure elbow and shoulder pain during their baseball season. Nearly half of these injured players report their ongoing participation despite having pain. A recent epidemiological study of ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries in athletes 17 to 20 years old reported…

INSYNC PHYSIO’s Michelle Robichaud in Northern Europe

Insync Physiotherapy’s Michelle Robichaud, RMT, recently returned from her amazing trip to Northern Europe and back in time for the 2018 BMO Vancouver Marathon where she completed an 8-km run! Congrats Michelle! Check out the photos below of Michelle in Iceland, Scotland, and Denmark: InSync Physiotherapy is a multi-award winning health clinic helping you in…

Strain vs Sprain? How To Recover Optimally

Acute sprains and strains may impede performance and delay return to a sport. Proper management, treatment, and prevention is essential to recovering effectively. An athlete must first understand the definition and recognize the differences between a “sprain” and a “strain.” A sprain is defined as a violent overstretching of one or more ligaments in a…

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Catastrophic traumatic brain injuries, including hematomas and cerebral edema, are the second most common cause of fatalities in football players and can occur in many other contact sports. When there is severe contact with the head, the brain swells and blood pools to increase the intracranial pressure. If treatment is delayed, displacement of the brainstem,…