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6 Stretches For Anyone With Tight Hamstrings
If you run, bike, are desk-bound all day, or have been sitting in a car or plane traveling, your hamstrings could use some extra love and length. It not only feels good to stretch this commonly tight area, but hamstring flexibility is also important for the health of your back, hips, and knees. Here are…
6 Stretches to Prevent Rounded Shoulders
When you spend the majority of your time with your arms in front of you, it becomes habit for your body to round the shoulders. As a result, the muscles in the upper back and neck strain, overstretch and overwork. The chest muscles shorten, the small muscles between the shoulder blades weaken and the back…
Stretches You Can Do At The Office
Let’s face it. Too much of our time is spent sitting these days, and it’s not always easy to think about doing your stretches after you get home from a loooong day at the office. So why not incorporate some stretching into your work day? 1. Neck side stretch: hold on to your chair with…
6 Great Stretches For Tight Hip Flexors
Shakira said ‘Hips don’t lie’. Talking about hips, they are probably the first part of our body to get bloated. The Hip flexor is an important muscle group, which helps move the knees to the chest and the legs front to back and sideways. As many people sit on workstations all day, the hip flexors…
Stretches to Relieve the Pain of Piriformis Syndrome
The piriformis muscle is located deep in the buttock, and connects the sacrum to the top of the femur, or thigh bone. Its function is to roll the leg out to the side. Piriformis syndrome is pain deep in the buttock caused when the piriformis muscle traps the sciatic nerve. Symptoms include pain deep in…
Simple Stretches to Relieve Stress
These stretches help relieve your stress, but they can also boost your mood, improve your work performance, relieve headaches, reduce neck pain and reinvigorate you from any stresses in your life! First, what you need to do is breath. Take a few seconds before you do the stretches to try a few breathing exercises. Close…