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Ankle Sprains – 4 Point Star Balance
This exercise retrains your balance, strength and proprioception and will help you regain functional mobility faster after an ankle sprain. Start by putting your weight on the side of the affected ankle and hike the opposite foot up off of the ground. Remember to keep your inner core tight below the belly button. Then with…

Ankle Sprains: 2-Legged Squats
The two legged squat is a basic strengthening exercise that’s very effective in strengthening your ankle immediately after an acute ankle sprain for the first couple of weeks as long as you can fully weight bear on that ankle and foot and that there is no fracture from your sprain. Sometimes the ligaments can be…

Ankle Sprain: Wall Squat Core Activation
This exercise can help with the retraining of the core stability, hip, leg and ankle muscles after an acute ankle ligament sprain. If you experience pain or you’re unsure about this exercise please consult your local Physiotherapist before continuing. Wrap a closed loop resistance band around the thighs just above the knees. Then position yourself…

Ankle Injuries: Strengthening After A Sprain
This exercise is great for strengthening your injured ankle and retraining important muscle activation patterns on the injured side. Use a resistance band tied to a stable anchor and wrap it around the unaffected leg. With the affected ankle, stand either in front of the band or inside while keeping your posture tall and inner…