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Ankle Sprains – 4 Point Star Balance
This exercise retrains your balance, strength and proprioception and will help you regain functional mobility faster after an ankle sprain. Start by putting your weight on the side of the affected ankle and hike the opposite foot up off of the ground. Remember to keep your inner core tight below the belly button. Then with…

Ankle Sprain: Squat Clock Reaches
Start with nice tall posture and engage your core muscles below the belly button by drawing the lower ab muscles inward toward the spine. Then, stand on one leg and hold a stick with the butt end about 2 and a half feet away. Bend down through the hips to touch the stick to the…
What is Cuboid Syndrome?
Ever feel pain or swelling on the side of your foot? These symptoms may be due to a condition called Cuboid Syndrome, also known as cuboid subluxation or lateral plantar neuritis. In addition to pain in the lateral mid-foot, redness and a restricted range of motion in the ankle may be present. This syndrome is…