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Ankle Injuries & Ankle Sprains: 1 Legged Squat
The one-legged squat is an excellent exercise after injuring your ankle from a ligament sprain. It works your quad, posterior hip, core muscles and your balance and proprioception to help with your functional recovery. Starting with tall posture, engage your core muscles below the belly button by drawing the lower abs inwards toward the spine….
What is Cuboid Syndrome?
Ever feel pain or swelling on the side of your foot? These symptoms may be due to a condition called Cuboid Syndrome, also known as cuboid subluxation or lateral plantar neuritis. In addition to pain in the lateral mid-foot, redness and a restricted range of motion in the ankle may be present. This syndrome is…
How to Strengthen the Ankle to Improve Performance
Building on what we discussed last week, today we will be looking at how to strengthen the ankle joint to help prevent painful sprains from happening. Strengthening the muscles surrounding the ankle joint can also help to improve performance in a variety of activities because many land-based activities will require that you are upright, on…