{"id":2590,"date":"2017-08-19T07:21:00","date_gmt":"2017-08-19T07:21:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/insyncphysio.com\/uncategorized\/5-exercises-for-stronger-scapulas\/"},"modified":"2017-08-19T07:21:00","modified_gmt":"2017-08-19T07:21:00","slug":"5-exercises-for-stronger-scapulas","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/insyncphysio.com\/exercise\/5-exercises-for-stronger-scapulas\/","title":{"rendered":"5 Exercises for Stronger Scapulas"},"content":{"rendered":"

Weak scapular muscles can lead to an array of injuries including shoulder impingement, rotator cuff tears, and other shoulder-related pains. Pain may be followed by a restricted range of motion and may severely worsen if left untreated. Strengthening the scapular muscles can provide long-term benefits for rehabilitation and performance. Try the five following exercises below:<\/p>\n



1. Lie down flat on a bench with a light dumbbell in each hand.<\/p>\n

2. Hold the dumbbells on either side of your chest with the palms facing away from your shoulders and your elbow at a 90 degree angle.<\/p>\n

3. Push your arms upwards and feel your shoulder blades separate. Remember to keep the dumbbells parallel to each other until the very top of the press.<\/p>\n

3. Inhale and slowly bring down both dumbbells to the sides of your chest until you reach the 90 degree angle at the elbow. Breathe out on your next rep. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.<\/p>\n

<\/a>WALL PUSHUP:<\/u><\/h3>\n

1. Stand a few steps away from a wall, then place your hands on the wall so that they are slightly more than shoulder-width apart and arms are locked out.<\/p>\n

2. Maintain a neutral back and neck, then slowly lean towards the wall by bending your elbow.<\/p>\n

3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you lower yourself and hold this forward position for 2-3 seconds.<\/p>\n

4. Slowly straighten your arm and relax your shoulder blades. Repeat 10 times.<\/p>\n

BAND PULL APARTS:<\/u><\/h3>\n

1. In a comfortable standing position, hold a light band in between both hands about shoulder-width apart.<\/p>\n

2. Pull the band as wide as you can, then slowly bring the arms back to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.<\/p>\n


1. Lie on your stomach on a bench or Swiss ball with a light dumbbell in each hand.<\/p>\n

2. Straighten your arms so that the dumbbell is in front of your head.<\/p>\n

3. Lift the dumbbells up, keeping your arms straight, to make a “Y” shape with your torso.<\/p>\n

4. Slowly lower them down. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.<\/p>\n


1. Hold a very light dumbbell straight in front of you at approximately 45 degree angle.<\/p>\n

2. Maintain this position for about 10 seconds.<\/p>\n

3. Then, slowly lower the dumbbell to the side of your body. Perform 10 holds on each side.<\/p>\n

BONUS<\/span>: Watch this video to learn an extra exercise for the scapula muscles!<\/p>\n