Knee ‘ACL’ Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
Function of the ACL The primary function of the ACL is to provide stability in the knee and restrain anterior displacement of the tibia relative to the femur. It also acts to restrain internal-external rotation and varus-valgus angulations and combinations of. Therefore an injury to the ACL causes a loss in stability in the knee…
Knee Injury Prevention Guideline
Knee and ACL injuries commonly occur in sports such as soccer, ultimate, and rugby. Athletes may require months to even more than a year to recover and to be able to return to play. There is a vast amount of literature describing a number of ways on how to prevent knee and ACL injuries. However,…
7 Things To Do For Stronger Knees
Stretch your IT band. Spending some time stretching and warming up your IT band before diving into a strenuous activity is a good way to keep your knees strong. It is the area of thicker tissue that runs from the outside of the pelvis to the outside of the knee. The IT band helps to stabilize…
Exercises That Help Prevent Knee Pain
Build pain-proof knees Protect and pamper your knees now, and they’ll keep you striding strong and pain-free for life.Here are key stretching and strengthening moves that you can practice to help pain-proof your knees. Calf stretch Stand at arm’s length away from a wall. Place your right foot behind your left foot. With your hands…
4 Exercises for Aching Knees
This may sound counterintuitive, but medical experts agree that if you have aching knees, then sitting on the sidelines may not be the best answer for you. Getting out and exercising may be the best way to get rid of the pain. One of the common concerns for those with knee pain is that the…
Bad Knees? Stay Away from These Exercises
Bad knees may seem like a legitimate excuse to dodge the gym, and when you partake in high-impact activities, we can see why exercising might lose its allure! One of the best treatments for knee pain, however, is actually fitness! Exercise can be a potent medicine for bad knees, as long as you use the…