Whiplash Injuries

What is Whiplash Exactly?What can you do for it?Do you have neck pain from:  A car accident? Sports injury Falling / hitting your head Neck ‘Cervical’ Vertebrae in Red Musculature of the neck Want to know more??? Check out this article: WHIPLASH INJURIES InSync Physiotherapy is a multi-award winning health clinic helping you in Sports…

How’s Your Stroke?

Treating swimmers and in particular Triathletes in the clinic has piqued my interests to learn how to swim better.  2008 Vancouver BG Triathlon World Championships – Photo by Bob Stoffberg As an ex-cross country runner back in the day and and recently began road riding on my one year old newish bike, I can begin…

Getting at the root cause of your Sport Injuries / Spinal injuries

Need help with an injury? Want to get back playing your sports (Recreationally, competitively or professionally)? Need help with your neck Whiplash / car accident injuries? Do you have nerve pain or headaches? Do you have chronic pain or chronic tightness issues? Does your back or hips limit your mobility or decrease your confidence in…

Ultimate Frisbee Injuries: How to fully rehabilitate your power and strength?

Just Finished playing a week-end tournament? So you just finished playing a tournament this week-end and you have some extra soreness that’s more than normal in your lower quadrant – namely your thighs, hips, knees, legs or ankles. What do you do after you have done physiotherapy and rested for several days, and am now…

Ultimate Frisbee Activation: How to Warm up for Ultimate Frisbee

How can we get a huge benefit from a few minutes of warm-up?   by Vancouver Physiotherapist Travis Dodds Warming up Warming up for sport has changed dramatically in the past couple of decades. Spurred on by ground-breaking programs such as FIFA 11+ in soccer, and the FMS study in NFL football, athlete health professionals…